The Unstoppable January Promotion at Amsterdams Casino: Another BMW Mini as the main prize!
From 12th of January till 31st of January 2015, an iPad 2 or an iPad mini 3 will be raffled each day at Amsterdams Casino, and a BMW Mini* of your own choice is the main prize! Yes, the winner can choose the model and the options up to a value of €30,000.
Make a deposit of €50 at Amsterdams Casino, get your ticket and take part. Each additional deposit of €50 gives you an extra ticket. If you make a deposit with your tablet or mobile, you’ll get double tickets.
1st of February, the BIG Mini day: The raffling of a BMW Mini. You can choose the model, and options you want, up to a value of €30,000!
*MINI is a British automotive marque owned by BMW